Have tax problems?
We are here to help.
We are no longer located at 1875 Brightseat Road. We have a satellite office at 137 National Plaza, National Harbor MD 20745 however, we will NOT be conducting In-Office Appointments this year. This office will be used for drop-off/ pick-ups ONLY.
Documents may continue be uploaded to the portal or faxed.
Please visit our website for access to the portal, Individual Tax Organizers, to make a payment or for general information.
Also, please note, the IRS is still processing previous years returns and refunds as well as updating their website to indicate your return is being processed.
We do not have additional information on this matter and we all are in a state of waiting. You may feel free to contact the IRS at 1-800-829-1040 for assistance.
CLICK HERE TO READ 2024 TaxMatters Newsletter
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